Highland Dental Clinic Kitchener Dentistry

At the Highland Dental Clinic dental office, we offer a vast variety of dental services and procedures. We offer family and cosmetic dentistry. We also offer endodontics (root canals), oral surgery (extractions), tooth bleaching and crown and bridge and veneers. Your smile and appearance are important to us, and we will try to help you get the smile which you wish to have. We use composite resins (white fillings) almost exclusively so that no one is aware that you have had fillings.

At Highland Dental Clinic Dental Office, you're important to us. Knowing each individual well helps us develop a personal, customized treatment plan for each member of your family. We take time to talk and answer questions. We explain procedures, what they will do for your smile and how much it will cost. We take the time to be gentle. Our friendly staff and relaxing environment will put you at ease. New Patients are Welcome

Dentistry Location:

Highland Dental Clinic,
200 Highland W
Kitchener, Ontario. N2M3C2
Phone: 519-570-1001

Highland Dental Clinic Map

Patient Reviews: Highland Dental Clinic

Most dental inncuasre covers a portion of the total cost of the procedure. Some only cover a small percentage of the total cost depending on the emergency, total cost, complexity involved, etc. My dental inncuasre (after the deductible only covers 50 % of all procedures); therefore, I have to shop around to find the best total price before I have the work done. Also, most inncuasres need the dentist to fill out a form describing the procedure before the work will start (if not an emergency) and will advise how much they will cover. A lot use what they call " usual costs for that particular area". So, if you go to a high priced dentist, you will have to pay more of your own money out-of pocket. A lot of dentists will charge lower prices if you explain your financial circumstances and are sympathetic to your condition. Good LuckReferences : Dental Insurance billing and negotiating work. And, I also have a lot of personal experience with dentists. by Alonso posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2012 from reff# 144
You saved me a lot of haslse just now. by Nona posted on Thursday, July 21, 2016 from reff# 4008

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