Dr Elio Filice & Associates Kitchener Dentistry
Dr Elio Filice & Associates would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our patients for allowing us to provide you consistent, comprehensive and individualized care.
We are committed to providing customized treatment plans that best suit your needs while striving to represent the cutting edge of dentistry.
We have also collectively dedicated ourselves to ensuring that each visit to our Dr Elio Filice & Associates Dental Office will be an enjoyable experience ...one filled with encouraging attitudes, comfort and familiarity.
Dentistry Location:
Dr Elio Filice & Associates,665 Belmont Av W
Kitchener, Ontario. N2M1N8
Phone: 519-745-6722
Dr Elio Filice & Associates Map
Patient Reviews: Dr Elio Filice & Associates
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